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Canvas Prints
by London printer Designed4Print Ltd

Canvas prints replicate digital images on canvas, popular for displaying artwork or photography. Designed4Print Ltd is a London-based company that offers affordable, high-quality canvas printing in various sizes and finishes. They pride themselves on excellent colour reproduction allowing for vibrant and detailed images that capture the intended mood and look of the original artwork.

Unlike paper prints, canvas prints add a tactile and visual texture to images with a hand-painted look. This makes them a perfect choice for more traditional or classic decor styles, or for art pieces that may look out of place as a poster or photograph.

In addition to their premium canvas printing, London printer Designed4Print Ltd combines affordable pricing with fast turnaround times, making them an ideal choice for businesses, individuals, or galleries in need of high-quality canvas prints. Their ordering process is simple and streamlined, allowing customers to upload their desired images and customise their canvas prints' size and finish with minimal hassle.

Canvas prints

Canvas Print Specifications:


The surface of the canvas print is laminated for extra protection. All artwork is printed onto heavyweight canvas, producing vivid colour and excellent black & white prints.


Our wooden frames are well made and are either 20mm or 38mm deep.

Minimum size: 8in x 8in (203mm x 203mm)

Maximum size: 60in x 36in (1524mm x 914mm)


Canvas Print Edge Options:


Wrap: This method uses the outer regions of the image which are folded and wrapped on to the edges of the canvas. However, not all prints are suitable for this finish as it does require losing some of the image.


Colour: A solid colour is placed on the canvas edge. This colour can be sampled from the images or can remain white.


Mirrored: The outer edges of the picture are reflected on to the edge of the canvas to give the appearance of extending the image around the frame.


Mirrored Blur: A similar option to mirrored, but gently blurred to obscure from any obvious elements repeated from the main image in the canvas.


Canvas Frame Quality


The canvas print’s wooden frames are professionally made using timber from sustainable sources. Galvanised staples are used in the construction of the frames to give a quality finish and prevent rust.


Real wood wedged corners for a perfectly tensioned canvas. 38mm deep European Pine stretched frame for that superior contemporary finish. Tight concealed corners and felt pads to protect your walls.


Rolled Unframed Canvas Prints


Along with producing wooden framed canvas prints, we can also print canvases that are laminated but unframed, supplied rolled in a tube for you to frame yourself.


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